
Reported questions.

чт, 03/29/2018 - 12:51 Марина

Вопросительные предложения в косвенной речи называются косвенными вопросами. (Reported questions)

Косвенные вопросы часто начинаются со слов He asked.

В косвенных вопросах действуют правила согласования времен.

Прямая речь


Косвенная речь


Present Simple

e.g. Do you love me?

Past Simple

e.g. He asked if I loved him.

Present Continuous

e.g. Are you cooking?

Past Continuous

e.g. He asked if I was cooking.

Present Perfect

e.g. Have you seen this film?

Past Perfect

e.g. He asked if I had seen that film.

Past Simple

e.g. Did you have dinner?

Past Perfect

e.g. He asked if I had had dinner


e.g. Will you come later?


e.g. He asked if I would come later.


e.g. Can you swim?


e.g. He asked if I could swim.


e.g. I must leave.

Had to

e.g. I had to leave.


e.g. May I come in?


e.g. He asked if he might come.


Необходимо обращать внимание на порядок слов в косвенных вопросах – он прямой, т.е. как в повествовательных предложениях. Вспомогательные глаголы do, does, did при этом не используются.


В зависимости от типа вопроса в прямой речи, различают два типа вопросов в косвенной речи – общий и специальный.

1.      Общий вопрос. (Yes/no questions)

Общие вопросы вводятся при помощи if, weather, которые переводятся «ли».

e.g. Do you like milk? – He asked me if I liked milk.

2.      Специальные вопросы. (Wh- questions)

Специальные вопросы вводятся при помощи вопросительных слов – what, when, where, who, etc.

e.g. Where do you work? – He asked me where I worked.


   Exercise 1.

Choose the correct word.

1)      “Can I call you tomorrow?” – He asked if he can/could call the next day.

2)      “Will you meet me at the airport?” – He asked if I would meet/had met him at the airport.

3)      “Who did you invite?” – He asked who I invited/had invited.

4)      “Do you enjoy sailing?” – He asked if I enjoyed/had enjoyed sailing.

5)      “Have you been to Paris?” – He asked if I was/had been to Paris.

6)      “Am I late” – He asked if he was/had been late.

7)      “Are you reading now?” – He asked if I was reading now/then.





Answers: 1.could, 2.would meet, 3.had invited, 4.enjoyed, 5.had been, 6.was, 7. then.





   Exercise 2.

Rewrite the sentences using “he asked”.

1)      “Can you drive a car?”

2)      “What did you do yesterday?”

3)      “Which countries have you visited?”

4)      “Will she come with us?”

5)      “How often do you help people?”

6)      “Who did you meet on a plane?”

7)      “Why is she going to move?”




Answers: 1. He asked if I could drive a car. 2. He asked what I had done the day before. 3. He asked which countries I had visited. 4. He asked if she would come with them. 5. He asked how often I helped people. 6. He asked who I had met on a plane. 7. He asked why she was going to move.




   Exercise 3.

Rewrite into direct questions.

1)      He asked where we had met before.

2)      He asked if I wanted to dance.

3)      He asked what I was doing.

4)      She asked if they could help her.

5)      He asked where I would work after university.

6)      He asked how often I went to my dentist.

7)      He asked if I had liked my holiday.





Answers: 1.Where did we meet before? 2. Do you want to dance? 3. What are you doing? 4. Can you help me? 5. Where will you work after university? 6. How often do you go to your dentist? 7. Did you like your holiday?

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