


Present Perfect vs Past Simple: відмінності часів та їх використання

Знання та розуміння Present Perfect та Past Simple є важливими у вивченні англійської мови. За допомогою цих граматичних конструкцій ви можете точно передавати інформацію про час та характер подій у минулому, а ваша розмовна англійська стане більш правильною та різноманітною.  Для новачка може бути дещо складно вловити різницю між ними, адже і перше, і друге […]

Star struck

I never thought much about astrology until my first wife fell in love with a German named Nils. As our ailing marriage went terminal, I took to buying armloads of fashion magazines not for pretty pictures, which made me only more miserable, but for the horoscopes. I didn’t consider myself a believer; still, the stargazers […]

Impacts of Brain Drain on Developing Countries

Brain drain, which is the action of having highly skilled and educated people leaving their country to work abroad, has become one of the developing countries concern. Brain drain is also referred to as human capital flight. More and more third world science and technology educated people are heading for more prosperous countries seeking higher […]

The perfect murder (by Roy L. Mangum)

For twenty-two years Mark Melcher had walked from his drugstore to his house at exactly 5 o’clock.  Methodical Mark was. For twenty-two years he had been greeted respectfully along the way by men and women who had grown old with him. Dignified and kindly Mark was. “Wouldn’t hurt a fly,” as Bob Barstow, the sheriff, […]

Left holding the baby

Scientists recently revealed on instinct in women intact and unaffected by the age of technology. Glancing through glossy art books Lee Salks (Scientific American, May 1973) noticed that four times out of five Mary is holding the infant Jesus against her left breast. The Madonna sparked off a series of experiments and observations to determine […]


Antarctica is the bottom of the world, where winds can reach 320 kph and temperatures can plunge below 85°C. It seems lifeless but a closer look reveals an amazing abundance of life. The coastal waters are filled with plankton and fish, and its thick ice is perforated by the breathing holes of seals. Antarctica is […]


My grandparents were married for over half a century, and played their own special game from the time they had met each other. The goal of their game was to write the word “Shmily” in a surprise place for the other to find. They took turns leaving “Smily” around the house, and as soon as […]

You can′t live without it

It is in our bodies. It is in living things around us. It is used in some church services and in social customs. We have superstitions and sayings about it. It has thousands of uses in the world today. One of these is to flavour the egg you have for breakfast. Can you guess what […]

The diy route to the slopes

Skiing holidays are financially ruinous for most large families, but if you are prepared to organize them yourself, you’ll save money and get a better holiday. Skiing is like malaria: once it’s in your blood it tends to stay there. After three winters’ remission, we decided to hit the slopes again. But I had forgotten […]

Martial Arts

The martial arts consist of a series of hand-to-hand unarmed combat tactics. The most popular are karate, judo, jiu jitsu, and kung fu. Many experts believe kung fu does not belong in the category of unarmed self-defense because it can become a killer art in its most violent form. Chinese jujitsu and its offshoot, judo, […]
