
Past Simple

чт, 03/29/2018 - 12:13 Марина

Past Simple (простое прошедшее время) – это время, которое говорит о законченных событиях, которые произошли в определенный момент в прошлом.

Мы также используем Past Simple, когда мы описываем несколько событий, которые произошли в прошлом одно за другим

Вместе с Past Simple часто используются указатели времени, такие как yesterday, twodaysago, lastweek, in 1999, etc.

+ Ved, V2

She visited her grandma.

She went to that club alone.

didn’t + V

She didn’t visit her grandma.

She didn’t go to that club alone.

? Did ….V

Did she visit her grandma? Yes, she did/No she didn’t.

Did she go to that club alone? Yes, she did/No she didn’t.


  • В английском языке глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные(regularandirregular). Правильные глаголы образовывают прошедшее время при помощи окончания ed. К ним относятся livelived, workworked, cookcooked и многие другие.

Неправильные глаголы не подчиняются никаким правилам и их формы приходится запоминать. Например, go-went, have-had, do-did.

e.g. She lived here when she was a child.

        I had to wear a uniform when I was at school.

  • Прошедшие формы глагола to be – was(I, he, she, it) и were(you, we, they)

e.g. I was at school yesterday.

       They were at home yesterday.


e.g. I wasn’t at school yesterday.

       They weren’t at home yesterday.



   Exercise 1.

Change positive sentences into negative and negative into positive.

1)      She didn’t want to stay at home on holidays. 

2)      They argued all night long.

3)       The robber got into the house and stole their valuable things.

4)       Children broke mom’s favorite vase.

5)       Sue didn’t believe him and didn’t open the door

6)      The teacher asked the most difficult questions.

7)      My mom didn’t agree to stay in a hotel.





Answers: 1. She wanted to stay at home on holidays. 2. They didn’t argue all night long. 3. The robber didn’t get into the house and didn’t steal their valuable things. 4. Children didn’t break mom’s favorite vase. 5. Sue believed him and opened the door. 6. The teacher didn’t ask the most difficult questions. 7. My mom agreed to stay in a hotel.




   Exercise 2.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1)      Two weeks ago we (have ) a holiday in Turkey.

2)      She (see) Grand Canyon.

3)      Tom (not want) to buy that car.

4)      When …..they….(get) to Paris?

5)      Unfortunately we (stay) in a really boring hotel and the weather (be) awful.

6)      Caroline (meet) her boyfriend in Paris.

7)      I (not be) very happy to see her but I (smile) and (say) “hello”.




Answers: 1.had, 2.saw, 3.didn’t want, 4.did…get, 5.stayed, was, 6.met, 7.wasn’t, smiled, said.




   Exercise 3.

Re-order the words to make questions.

1)Mark             buy                   wife                   decide           to                his            what              for       did

2) enjoy          dinner           they            the           didn’t

3) wanted          relax           had           dog            to           walk           Mark              but          take              he                 to               his             for               a

4) booked             flight             the                Internet                 Jim             the          on

5) tired                do           they             anything         were                  too        to

6) month            my          broke              with           last           I            up             boyfriend

7) the             he             airport                 take          offered             to           me               to





Answers: 1. What did Mark decide to buy for his wife? 2. They didn’t enjoy the dinner. 3. Mark wanted to relax but he had to take his dog for a walk. 4. Jim booked the flight on the Internet 5. They were too tired to do anything. 6. Last month I broke up with my boyfriend. 7. He offered to take me to the airport.

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